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MPM Global Solutions
training programs that are available anywhere.
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MPM Global Solutions
Offering some of the most comprehensive and client specific Law Enforcement | Counterterrorism | Internal Security training programs available anywhere.
Law Enforcement & Counterterrorism Training
Since February 2015, MPM Global Solutions (“MPM”) has developed their considerable law enforcement, tactical and legal expertise into one of the most unique and comprehensive law enforcement, counterterrorism and Internal Security training programs available anywhere in the world. Calling upon their status as subject experts in the classroom, as well as their boots-on-the-ground tactical expertise, MPM will develop elite training programs that will effectively serve most, if not all, of our client’s law enforcement and/or internal security needs and do so while avoiding the sometimes problematic issue of having a formal U.S. military presence in a particular foreign venue.
Advanced Law Enforcement Training
MPM utilizes their unique resources to successfully combine the expertise of U.S. federal and state law enforcement techniques with the disciplines and time-tested training methods of elite U.S. military Special Operations (SpecOps) units to create a synergistic foreign training program that is outstanding in its effectiveness, professionalism and efficiency. MPM offers a select group of law enforcement professionals, made up of former FBI/DEA Special Agents, former U.S. Special Forces Operators, as well as some of the most tactically proficient and knowledgeable law enforcement instructors who excel in specialized disciplines and skill sets relating to tactical law enforcement training and force protection. Their many years of “on-the-job” experiences, in both domestic as well as foreign venues, enhance their abilities to teach and train in these tactical skills at the highest level possible. Simply stated, all of our instructors have implemented these particular skills in real-world tactical law enforcement scenarios making them subject experts in their particular field.

Counterterrorism Training & Support
MPM security experts currently recognize an acute need to address conventional terrorist groups operating on the African Continent as well as in Mexico and in Central & South America. Currently, a majority of the African Continent is being besieged by elements of al-Qaeda backed Jihadist insurgent groups such as the Islamic State, Ansarul Islam, Katiba Macina, Boco Haram and others. Each group requires a unique approach and MPM trainers, especially those from former U.S. SpecOps units, are uniquely qualified to train and mentor effective foreign counterterrorism units. These types of well-trained counterterrorism units are designed to be the front-line to any country’s internal security efforts as well as the protection of their citizens and property.
Narco-Terrorism in various populated areas of Mexico, as well as Central & South America, is currently being fostered by well-funded Hezbollah backed insurgents and these activities are also being specifically targeted by MPM course developers. At the same time, MPM training personnel are addressing the now infamous “Cartel” violence impacting large portions of rural Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and other bordering “source countries.” To counter these immediate threats, MPM offers former DEA agents that were specially trained by the SpecOps military community to conduct both urban and rural covert and overt counter-drug operations in these specific geographic areas. MPM trainers recognize Hezbollah’s terror and criminal activity has a global reach, with reports of their terrorist activities stretching from their home base in Lebanon to Thailand and the Philippines to the east and Europe, Latin America and the United States and Canada to the west. It is Hezbollah’s Latin American insurgent operations that should particularly concern Mexico and the United States – especially, should one consider the notoriously porous U.S. southwest border.
Judicial & Prison Reform
Lastly, MPM is believed to be the only U.S. based training firm that offers both elite law enforcement/paramilitary training while, at the same time, offering licensed attorneys, former U.S. Bureau of Prisons (BOP) Regional Directors and Wardens to compliment a comprehensive program that strives to bring other countries and young democracies into the 21st century by offering advanced investigative and prosecutorial techniques as well as much needed prison/penal reform. These legal and prison reform experts will work closely with the host nation legal teams, as well as the U.S. Embassy Country Team, to develop new and acceptable prosecution tactics, proven investigative techniques, evidence handling/storage and prisoner treatment that adhere to acceptable standards of “due process” and human rights.

Law Enforcement

Tactical Operations

Security Programs
Federal agencies that MPM Global Solutions successfully interacts with on a regular basis