A Division of The MPM Group, Inc.

Comprehensive Training & Support Services

Law Enforcement • Counterterrorism • Security


Training Personnel – Minimum Qualification Standards

MPM Global Solutions (MPM) has utilized their considerable resources to successfully combine the expertise of federal and state tactical law enforcement techniques with the disciplines and time-tested training methods of elite U.S. Military Special Operations (SpecOps) units to create synergistic training programs that are second to none in their effectiveness and professionalism. MPM offers a select group of law-enforcement professionals, made up of former FBI/DEA Special Agents, former U.S. Special Forces operators, as well as some of the most tactically proficient and knowledgeable law enforcement instructors who excel in specialized disciplines and skill sets relating to elite tactical law enforcement training, counterterrorism, narco-terrorism and force protection. Their many years of “on-the-job” experiences, in both domestic as well as foreign venues, enhance their abilities to teach and train in these tactical skills at the highest level. Simply stated, all of our instructors have implemented their particular skills in a real-world tactical/law enforcement environment making them unequivocal experts in their chosen field.

Depending on specific contract requirements, all MPM instructors will have the following minimum qualifications in their areas of expertise:

  • Former Special Agents (Series 1811) with the FBI and/or DEA.
  • Former Members of other federal law enforcement agencies, i.e. U.S. Marshals, U.S. Border Patrol, Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms, etc.
  • Former members of various elite state/city police units and fire departments.
  • Former U.S. Army Special Forces and/or U.S. Rangers, U.S. Navy Seals and other members of the SpecOps community.
  • Former Wardens/Senior Managers of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and/or other recognized state penal institutions.
  • Former State Judges | JAG | Attorneys


If you are interested in becoming part of MPM’s elite team of training professionals, please contact mail@mpmglobalsolutions.com to request a confidential application and brief qualification(s) résumé. Upon receipt, your qualifications will be reviewed and, if warranted, added to our data base of qualified instructors.

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